Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hello from Rosie

Hello Internet, class mates, professors, and fellow OMB employees! My name is Rozan Latham, but feel free to call me Rosie. I am in my senior year at Arizona State University, majoring in Public Service and Public Policy with an emphasis in Leadership and Management. I am an intern at Maricopa County's Office of Management and Budget(OMB) as a partnership between Maricopa County and Arizona State University called the MCLEAPS* Internship. HR calls me a McLeaper! *(Maricopa County Leadership and Education Advancing Public Service) While at OMB I plan to achieve the goals of understanding a comprehensive budget system on a county level, learning the processes and official procedures of local government, and finally networking with the people I interact with, and ultimately learn from them. There are a multitude of talented and resourceful people throughout the Office of Management and Budget, and if I could walk away with just a sliver of their knowledge, I would be happy! Overall, I am so happy to be here at OMB and represent ASU. It's only Wednesday, and I have already learned so much!


  1. Learning the budget is an important skill in this profession, I'm sure you will learn a lot there.

  2. Hi Rosie! This sounds like a really great opportunity. I look forward to getting the inside scoop.

  3. Looks like a great opportunity! I can't wait to read more about your time in the Maricopa County system.

  4. Hi Rosie, sound like a great job.

  5. Hi Rosie,
    What a great internship and I bet you are learning a lot!! Do you see a career like this in your future? I look forward to reading more posts! Good luck!!!
